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What is "full coverage"?

Every day we have clients looking for "full coverage" on their vehicle. What most people don't realize is that this coverage doesn't actually exist. If you review your auto insurance Declarations Page, you'll never find this term listed under the coverage and this can be quite confusing for clients.

The term "full coverage" was created by dealerships to refer to their vehicle being "fully covered". What's misleading about this term is that clients often assume that having "full coverage" means that they are covered for everything, which is incorrect. The term full coverage just refers to fully covering the vehicle, which includes comprehensive and collision coverage. These two coverages together, fully cover your vehicle.

The confusion comes in place because this does not include optional coverages such as uninsured motorist, personal injury protection, rental car, roadside assistance or custom equipment. All of these are separate and must be added to the policy if you want them to apply. An agent can help go over each coverage option with you so that you can decide which ones are important to you and help make sure that you are properly protected.

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